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A mandatory requirement for either a building as a whole, or part of a building that has been designed or altered to be used separately when sold or rented. From 9th January 2013, it is a requirement for all non-dwellings over 500m2 frequently visited by the public to display a valid EPC in a prominent place clearly visible to members of the public. However, this will only apply to buildings where an EPC has been produced for that building.


If a building is made up of separate units, each with its own heating system, each unit will need an EPC. EPCs give information on a building’s energy efficiency in a sliding scale from ‘A’ (very efficient) to ‘G’ (least efficient). A recommendations report setting out how the rating could be improved accompanies every EPC.


Who can provide EPCs?

Only accredited energy assessors can produce EPCs for business premises. They analyse how buildings are constructed, insulated and serviced and the type of fuel being used. If you are choosing a property from which to run your business, comparing EPCs can help you find the most energy efficient premises.


Potential penalties

The penalty for failing to make an EPC available to any prospective buyer or tenant when selling or renting a non-dwelling is fixed, in most cases, at 12.5% of the rateable value of the building, with a default penalty of £750 where the formula cannot be applied. The range of penalties under this formula are set with a minimum of £500 and capped at a maximum of £5,000. A further penalty can be issued for failure to provide a copy of the EPC when requested by an officer of an enforcement authority within seven days. This is fixed at £200.


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