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Carbon reduction technology is moving at an incredibly fast pace of innovation with new tech constantly being developed and brought to market.  

Technologies have a part to play in an overall decarbonisation strategy but to optimise the benefits of green technology it is important it is applied to the right situation.

At LCE we are experts in utilising carbon reduction technologies and delivering them in a way that gives our clients maximum benefits whilst minimizing risk and cost. We extensively research and evaluate the impact and effectiveness of technologies before implementation with our clients.

While some carbon reduction technologies offer improvements that increase resource productivity and efficiency, others decrease environmental impact. One thing is for certain, to maximise carbon savings and energy efficiency technology is going to play a major role alongside other important factors such as behavioural change. 

Our technology assessment service can include:

  • Tailored ​advice to which green technologies would be suitable for your specific requirements and site(s) 

50% of carbon emission reductions needed to get to net zero will come from technology not yet invented

John Kerry - US climate envoy

  • Detailed impact assessments and ROI reports to evaluate the potential effectiveness of tech implementation

  • Project management and delivery of tech projects including overseeing installation and maintenance

  • Preparation of documentation for tenders and grant applications  


To read more about all our services click the services button. Learn more about how our services have helped our clients on our case study page. 


We would love to hear from you and chat through how our services can help. Or if you want to hear from us then please subscribe to our mailing list.

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